Our Vision & Mission

Our Vision

We share in a future-oriented and distinctive learning culture guided by reflection, wisdom and service. We empower young women to transform the world with faithfulness, courage and confidence.

Our Mission

Genazzano FCJ College lives its vision through embracing the talents, potential and dignity of each person.
We achieve this by:

  • Appreciating the unique giftedness of each other
  • Confidently innovating and adapting to embrace a changing world
  • Engaging with others with a positive, loving attitude
  • Energising ourselves through high expectations.

Our hope is that through God’s grace working in us all, each young person grows into their best self, with a zest for life and the generosity and confidence to use their talents and gifts in the service of others

We seek to find God in all things by exercising these qualities: Reflection, Wisdom and Service.


We model discipline to reflect on what might be best so as to develop the character and competence of our young women to become artists, creators, intellectuals


We model the capacity to place things in perspective and discern what might be right and good so as to develop the character and competence of our young women to become visionaries, discoverers, innovators


We model the commitment to walk alongside others and serve them selflessly so as to develop the character and competency of our young women to become leaders, champions, healers

These three Ignatian insights inform six areas of action we cherish as a Catholic College founded by the Society of the Faithful Companions of Jesus.



We are companions in our learning and we value working with and alongside each other in relationships of support, encouragement and service.

We celebrate and recognise individual contributions, efforts and accomplishments by bringing out the best in ourselves and others.


We honour the dignity of each person as created in the image and likeness of God and appreciate her unique story and learning journey,

We are a joy-filled community where we nurture the potential of each student to embrace life with “courage and confidence”.


We empower each student to strive for high goals in all she does in innovative and creative ways that emerge from her unique capabilities.

Our commitment to excellence requires us to care more than others think is wise, risk more than others think is safe, dream more than others think is practical, and expect more than others think is possible.



We encourage each student to be gentle and humble of heart in their relationships. This gentleness springs from a deep sense of who we are and our care for one another.

At the same time, we are strong in our convictions and beliefs and approach life and learning in a calm, dedicated and steadfast manner. Our spirit of gentleness guides us toward making wise choices that transform the world for good.


We are a hope-filled community inspiring each student to grow into her best self with a zest for life and the generosity and confidence to use her talents and gifts in the service of God, others and creation.

We aspire, through our actions, to be witnesses to hope for a better future.


We instill and nurture a thirst for justice and awaken the vision in our students to change the world for the better.

We challenge each student to appreciate what they have and reach out to others who suffer from injustice and disadvantage, upholding her responsibilities to act as ethical local and global citizens.

Courage & Confidence

We foster self-confidence and resilience by challenging our students to take informed risks. Be courageous to stand up for what is right.

Courage and confidence require knowledge, wisdom, and competence.

Strategic Plan 2021-2024

PDF – 3 MB

The inspirational foundress of the Sisters FCJ, the Blessed Marie Madeleine d’Houet, was a woman for our time. Marie Madeleine was a daughter, sister, friend, wife and mother whose life was defined by a restless commitment and willingness to assist those in need, despite her own hardships. Her great faith gifted her with the courage and confidence that was the basis of her life’s work, and the work of all the Sisters – past, present and future – who continue to respond as women to the call of those in need.

Today, the Sisters FCJ continue the work of Jesus, demonstrating the message of God’s great love for all people. They strive to work with humility, poverty, obedience and gentleness. They work for God and with God. They are women in the world, ready to stand together to help others, to go where needed, and to go with courage and confidence.

In the spirit of Marie Madeleine, the College seeks to create a caring atmosphere where all can find a place and feel at home. Ever mindful of our Ignatian intellectual and spiritual heritage, Genazzano encourages students to view the world with kindness and curiosity. With a real and meaningful commitment to sharing the importance of social justice, Genazzano prepares students for the world beyond the College gates where they can be valuable members of the community; both local and global.

The College is committed to supporting the important work of the FCJ Sisters in Australia and Asia, as well as Catholic organisations including CatholicCare and St Vincent de Paul. Religious Education is taught from ELC to Year 12. Prayer and liturgy are integral components of Genazzano life, providing all students with the chance to reflect upon and develop their spirituality. 

Statement of Democratic Principles

The VRQA Minimum Standards for registration of schools require that the programs and teaching at Genazzano FCJ College must support and promote the principles and practice of Australian democracy.

These include a commitment to:

  • elected government;
  • the rule of law;
  • equal rights for all before the law;
  • freedom of religion;
  • freedom of speech and association; and
  • the values of openness and tolerance.

As stated in the Standards, the requirements of the commitment above are not intended to affect the rights accorded to, or the compliance with any obligation imposed on, the School under a law of the State or of the Commonwealth.

Genazzano FCJ College is committed to the principles of a liberal democracy.

  • We believe in an accountable, democratically elected government
  • We respect and observe the rule of law, and believe that no person is above the law
  • We believe in equal rights for all before the law, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, gender or other attributes
  • We believe not only in the freedom of religion, but also the need to practice tolerance and understanding others’ beliefs
  • We believe in the value of freedom of speech and freedom of association, but also acknowledge that we have the responsibility not to abuse this freedom
  • We believe in the values of openness and tolerance, and value and respect all members of the school community regardless of background.

This Statement of Democratic Principles is communicated to staff, students, parents and guardians and the school community.

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